Jignesh Shah, the promoter of 63 moons technologies had a vision of changing the scenario of India’s finance sector. His brief stint with the Bombay Stock Exchange gave this Mechanical Engineer an impetus to develop a futuristic model that revolutionized the stock market with technology.
The result was for all to see. Shah’s 63 moons not only initiated online trading in India, but it also changed the way we perceive stock trading. It was 63 moons that enabled the Indian stock market to spread far and wide and reach out to millions of investors. That’s not all. 63 moons has given a lot of tech edge to its investors. Tailor-made affordable technologies dispense, real-time information that keeps the investors updated every single minute. 63 moons also ensure the payment processes are hassle-free.
A report prepared by MCX, in association with Tata Institute of Social Sciences have pointed that 63 moons has made a positive social impact too. 63 moons has created job opportunities, opened up financial access to local communities, and thus contributed to the growth of local entrepreneurship. It’s the passion of the innovator Jignesh Shah that has been driving Indian financial market to global level. Thanks to his efforts, India gained an edge in the global exchange markets.