Saturday, 7 March 2020

New Ideas & Innovative Start Ups Enthuse Modi, Shah

Prime Minister Narendra Modi launched the ambitious ‘Startup India’ programme to boost digital entrepreneurship at the grassroots level and announced income tax exemption to startups for the first three years. He also promised faster patent registrations and quicker exits for companies. norms will be relaxed for public procurement of startups. Startups have flourished in India, thanks in part to Prime Minister Narendra Modi's policies. The government is promoting entrepreneurship under the Startup India initiative, which has simplified the patent application process and helped with fundraising. Large companies are trying to keep up with the accelerating pace of innovation in business, and startups are a good source of new ideas and vigour. Newer companies are often better able to adapt to rapid technological change and bring new perspectives to the market.

Fintech innovator Jignesh Shah is highly excited about PM Modi's vision and initiatives in the Start up segment. Jighesh Shah has fully supported PM Modi in these ventures. Jignesh Shah's contributions have had an immense impact on the growth and development of the financial sector.  Jignesh Shah's dream was to create new-generation markets and segments that are people-centric and have a comprehensive market structure. He wanted to establish a public-private partnership model to build world-class financial institutions and modern IP-centric financial markets to extend India’s reach. Jignesh Shah wanted to empower the nation by providing job opportunities to millions of people. His idea of developing the nation was by providing employment to its citizens that were not only of high-standards but environment-friendly as well.

Jignesh Shah, founded 63 moons technologies with his innovative zeal and entrepreneurial aggression, turned it into one of the finest examples of Make in India, creating 9 robust exchanges across the globe in a variety of asset classes including commodities, currency, equity, energy and bonds in as many years. The company has been constantly striving and advocating to bring India at a level playing field with international counterparts. The reforms that Jignesh Shah has been advocating for, once implemented would have brought India at par with its international peers.