Tuesday 14 February 2017

Jignesh Shah - The Modern Entrepreneur

63 moons technologies ltd

If one were to attribute few adjectives to Jignesh Shah, they would be - ambitious, far-sighted, well-versed, and innovators. An erratic business sense, combined with luck and unusual skills took Shah to an astonishing climb.

It is rare to see a thought converting into a state of the art financial infrastructure ecosystem all within a short span of less than a decade - made possible by the foresight of Jignesh Shah.

The Founder of 63 moons technologies ltd [formerly Financial Technologies India Limited], Jignesh Shah is the first generation entrepreneur who established a string of state of the art and world class exchanges across the world. Through sheer patience, persistence, and perseverance in creating robust infrastructure, Jignesh Shah combined his intellect and expertise in information technology.

From creating next generation multi-asset class trading systems to exchanges of different nature (Stock, Commodity, Currency, Energy, etc.) located in 9 regulatory jurisdictions, Jignesh Shah established his ventures in leading international financial centers of Asia, Middle East, and Africa.

Reference - ShantanuGuhaRay:(2016): ‘The Target Book’: New Delhi: Publisher: Authors Upfront


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